Friday, July 07, 2006


Met a man from Mars today

I was sitting in Harvard Square today and a man ("Jim") stopped to talk. I was reading my week's worth of comic books from New England comics. He was interested in the current state of comic books, what Batwoman was up to, and if I read Archie.

We chatted for a while and then this gentleman's friend walked by ("Bob"). I was introduced and we continued to talk about the current exploits of the X-Men and Superman.

Bob stated he had just got back from Mars. Interested, I asked what he thought of the trip. Bob stated, "I didn't like Mars, no bathrooms, had to shit in my suit".

I got a good laugh. The men walked away to catch-up on old times and smoke a cigarette.

I wonder if Bob is a former MIT, nobel peace prize winner. MMMM, I love Harvard Square in the nice weather.

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